
Nestled within The Bible College of Wales, the School of Ministry is a three-month intensive program that runs twice a year (Spring and Autumn Terms).
It is designed to develop leadership as they learn to engage in a cross-cultural community and mature in their expression of kingdom values in the way that glorifies God.
Students will explore the different aspects of ministry, delve deeper into the scriptures and learn to contend in prayer, in both personal and corporate settings.
Our vision through this program:
Our students will receive precious teachings from seasoned ministers of the WORD so to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord and understand their personal areas of ministry influence. Ignited by the Spirit of God, we desire to reach the ripened harvest both in their local communities and the nations.
Our students will be equipped to return to their local church to serve in areas of ministry, to be committed and skilled personnel.
We honour the legacy and work of Mr. Rees Howells, and we will impart to and prepare students for their ministry to impact nations, to serve with Kingdom mindsets from a life yielded to the Holy Spirit and prevailing intercession.

What to expect
Ministry teaching
Some of the finest teachers have been carefully selected to teach, and they will certainly challenge students to aspire for greater spiritual maturity through the exposition of the Word of God.
Prayer and intercession
Students will learn to engage with the Lord and hear His heartbeat for the nations as they get on their knees to seek Him individually and corporately.
Revival site visits
Wales is a land of periodic revivals which brought the Church into a deep consecration of holiness unto the Lord. It is our desire to see our students give themselves to the call of God as we press into the heart of revival and explore these sites.
Fasting is one of the spiritual disciplines where we take time to set ourselves apart unto the Lord so He can speak and direct us. Students are encouraged to participate with prudence.
A key expression of the “Every Creature Commission” is sharing the love of God. Students will learn to grow in this outward expression through serving the local community through various initiatives.
Care group and facilitation
Students will be gathered in small groups as they learn to facilitate weekly sessions, providing a safe environment for spiritual growth and support.
Devotions and worship
Students will be rostered each morning to lead worship and share their biblical devotions with the class.
Functional ministry
The life of Christ is epitomised when He gave His life to serve many. Just as He did not come to be served but to serve, we are to follow in His footsteps, to be cheerful givers and given to hospitality.
The school is a part of the local church community here at the College. Students will have the opportunity to experience, interact with and serve as they grow in their giftings.