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Croeso! The BCW Alumni hopes to build meaningful relationships amongst the graduates of the School of Ministry.
To be linked and knitted in our hearts with a common purpose and understanding – that the Lord wants global revival to come through our common cry for Him. It is to establish His Presence and Lordship in every nation represented by the student body, just as the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
We pray that as Alumni, we'll continue to maintain links and stay engaged with the College, its faculty & staff, by remembering to pray for the future batches and lecturers, to avail your time, resources and efforts to reach out, and to be a continual blessing.
Having been taught, equipped and exhorted on the many vital truths necessary for the restoration of the Church and the effective evangelization of the world – we are committed to be united in vision, purpose and heart concerning our Lord Jesus Christ.
Together, our hearts are interwoven in love and unity, ignited by the Spirit of God for the mission field, to impact nations and write history through our service, prayers, intercession, perseverance and faithfulness in these last days.

Our Mission and Vision
To be a unified Alumni Body called and sent for global revival and intercession, to raise up an incense of prayer and worship to God.
To exhibit a life of obedience, surrender and faith to the will and purposes of God, in accordance to the example set by Mr. Rees Howells and his company of intercessors.
To be living testimonies, establishing memorial stones and markers, desiring to be trailblazers, pioneers in our local churches in areas of our gifts and calling, submitting ourselves to godly authority.
To work out the gift of evangelism and intercession, carrying heartfelt intimacy like Mr. Rees Howells, so to have far-eaching impact on Christendom in the nations of the word.

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